23 November, 2008

I am such a slave of the tv! [screams]

i practically squandered my day away; the way couch potatoes do. 
but that aside, kindaichi's really a good film! watched it several years back, but sudd felt like re-watching them. Its a detective show, starring an ingenious yet rather flirty young detective,kindaichi, and his playmate, Miyuko. i watched the ep on the wax museum series of murders. Gosh the wax figurines can give me shudders even when i knew that they are fake. =S 

Uploaded many many photos onto facebook today. Didnt 
know that iphoto can export photos to facebook this easily now. saved me lots of trouble =) 

Okay now. i have a problem. How am i to spend the rest of my 7months? Had initially wanted to travel. Sigh. With the ongoing recession, it's increasingly cos
tly to travel abroad. the fixed costs(airport taxes, plane tickets..) are too high to begin with =( cutting the variable costs will still be deficient to negate the high fixed costs. [cries out loud] i really really really want to get out of my little well. 

Anyway, went to cut my hair the day before. Heres a pic of my hair: 

Nice nice nice? =D

it better be.

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